Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
What is Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy?
It is a special procedure which allows the doctor to see the lining on the inside of food pipe, stomach and duodenum (the first part of small intestine.)
Why does one need this test?
Following symptoms or signs would make your doctor request this test:
-Unexplained pain in the upper belly
-To assess for reflux
-To assess symptoms of nausea and vomiting
-Chronic diarrhoea (usually more than 3 months duration)
-To investigate blood in vomit or black stools
-To investigate painful swallowing or symptoms food sticking in the gullet
-As a test to look for reasons that may lead to some abnormalities in other tests (eg. Anaemia, Growth on CT scan)
-To remove undesirable objects that may have been inadvertently swallowed

Please contact the doctor if a patient suffers with persistent pain with swallowing, vomiting, black stools or fever.
Available at:
(with prior appointment please)