About Dr. Gurbilas P. Singh

Dr. Gurbilas P. Singh
MBBS, MRCP (UK), FRCP (London)
Dr. Gurbilas P. Singh practices at Jeevandeep, Centre of Digestive Diseases (No. 88, Sector, 16A, Chandigarh) and is Director, Education & Training, Sarvhit Gastrocity (Smt. Paarvati Devi Hospital, A-Block, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar).
He also provides clinical services at Paras Hospital (Panchkula, Haryana) and Apollo Clinics Sector 8, Chandigarh.
Having trained in the U.K. in Gastroenterology and General Internal Medicine (dual accreditation), he is a therapeutic endoscopist (trained to JAG, U.K. standards) and is experienced in Hepatology (study of liver diseases). He has previously worked at Musgrove Park Hospital, Taunton, UK and Fortis Hospital, Amritsar.
Practising at
(with prior appointment please)
Previous Posts held:
Consultant Gastroenterologist
Fortis Hospital, Amritsar, India
(October 2010 - October 2018) -
Locum SAS
Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton, UK
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
(January 2009 - September 2010)
Qualifications and memberships
2016, London
2004, UK
1989-1994, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India
Postgraduate Training
(SpR- Specialist Registrar, SHO-Senior House Officer, COE- Care of the Elderly)
SpR | Musgrove Park Hospital Taunton, UK Dr.’s S Pugh & P Thomas | Gastroenterology & GIM | Sept’07-Aug’08 |
SpR | Weston General Hospital, Weston, UK Dr. D R Parker | Gastroenterology & GIM | Sept’06-Aug’07 |
SpR | Cheltenham General Hospital, Cheltenham, UK Dr.’s I R Crossley, J T Anderson, Brooklyn & D McGovern | Gastroenterology & GIM | Sept’05-Aug’06 |
SpR | Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, Gloucester, UK Dr.’s R M Valori, I S Shaw Prof. J Brown | Gastroenterology & GIM | Feb’05-Aug’05 |
Senior SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. E B Kumar | Cardiology | Aug’04-Jan’05 |
Senior SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. R Mathialagan | C.O.E & Gastroenterology | Feb’04-July’04 |
SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. E B Kumar | Cardiology | Aug’03-Jan’04 |
SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr.’s M Blunt and K Burchett | Critical Care | Feb’03-July’03 |
SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. A Pawlovikcz | Respiratory | Aug’02-Jan’03 |
SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. J C McGourty | C.O.E | Feb’02-July’02 |
SHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr. R C McGouran | Gastroenterology | Aug’01-Jan’02 |
PRHO | Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Cambridgeshire, UK Dr.’s A C Douds and J Phillips | Gastroenterology & C.O.E | Feb’01-July’01 |
PLABE 1&2 IELTS & Clinical Attachment | London, Edinburgh, Cambridgeshire (UK) | – | Aug’99 – Dec’00 |
Jr. Resident | Chandigarh Medical Centre & General Hospital, Chandigarh, India Dr. A. Sahni, Dr. S.K. Bhandari | General Medicine & Gastroenterology | Jan’96-July’99 |
Internship | General Hospital, Chandigarh & Wenlock Hospital, Mangalore, India | General Medicine/General Medicine/Obstetrics/Community
Medicine & Surgery | Oct’94-Oct’95 |
Responsibilities in present and recent jobs:
Presently I work in a group practice in Chandigarh, Jeevandeep Clinics (Centre for Digestive Diseases and apart from various specialty clinics, we have developed the concept of Second Opinion Clinic for GI diseases as well as general patients.
I also am the Director, Education and Training along with my clinical role as interventional endoscopist in a group practice of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at Sarvhit Gastrocity, Amritsar, which is “Pentax Centre of Excellence”(the first in the region). I am also Senior Consultant at Paras Hospital, Panchkula, where I worked full time from December 2018-November 2019, setting up the department at this new facility. This is a large (232 bedded) tertiary care multi specialty and cancer hospital. I was responsible in setting up the Gastroenterology services and Endoscopy Unit. Before this I was working with Fortis Hospital Amritsar, which is a 160 bedded multi specialty hospital in private sector having state of the art Intensive Care Unit and tertiary care super specialty services. As Gastrosciences team we were providing a bridge to tertiary care Hepatology services in this region with a population of 1.5 million. Our team included 4 consultants, 2 Surgeons (1 part time), and 2 medical Gastroenterologists. I was the clinical lead in the endoscopy services (lower and upper GI), GI Cancer services, Peripheral Outpatients, and Multidisciplinary academic meetings. I am also attached to Apollo Clinics in Chandigarh.
On an average, I was seeing about 175 patients monthly (new and follow up) in outpatients, and performing 50-60 endoscopic procedures monthly (200-225 being the total number of endoscopic procedures performed monthly in our unit). At Sarvhit Gastrocity we have dedicated Gastro sciences beds and there are usually 30-35 patients under the joint care of our team.
The region is, unfortunately, the hub of Hepatitis C infection, and alcohol consumption apart from rampant diabetes and drug dependence. Medical camps and peripheral clinics are periodically arranged for rural as well as urban population.
I have developed a special interest in treatment of NASH, and prevention of Chronic Liver Disease, given the enormous load of fatty livers and Diabetes in the region.
We recently formed Bariatric team locally, wherein we have jointly taken up the role of coordinating pre-operative management of appropriate patients. Also, I plan to learn the skill of Endoscopic Ultrasound as part of my career progression. My Hepatobiliary colleague is already well versed with this skill.
In addition, apart from being responsible for training and educational activities related to Gastroenterology/ Hepatology within the hospital, I also look after audit activities and Mortality Committee.
Endoscopic skills
-Orogastroduodenoscopy (including advanced therapeutic procedures, e.g. Stenting, PEG)
-Colonoscopy and polypectomy (including advanced therapeutic procedures)
-Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangio-Pancreatography (benign and cancer diseases)
General Medicine
I am trained in General Medicine as well as Gastroenterology. Although I have primarily been practising Gastroenterology for past several years, we have many shared patients with General Medical colleagues who continue to give me adequate exposure of General Medicine, which makes my management of Gastroenterology patients wholesome and also gives me the opportunity to provide an independent opinion in other medical conditions, especially Diabetes.
I am an overseas examiner for MRCP (UK).
All my jobs till date have required me to have formal teaching sessions. I am presently involved in teaching diploma students, medical officers and nurses apart from endoscopy training at Sarvhit, Amritsar.
I have taught students and junior doctors affiliated to St. George’s University Hospital, Addenbrooke’s hospital and Bristol University whilst in the UK.
Clinical Governance
-Patients with Cirrhosis in a tertiary care hospital in Amritsar - their management strategy, and its effect on long-term management (ongoing comparison with patients admitted under Gastroenterology team and other specialists).
-Patient discomfort during colonoscopy (May 2008), Musgrove Park Hospital.
-Colonoscopy completion and sedation audit (June 2007), Weston General Hospital.
-Coeliac disease and low ferritin (May 2007), Weston General Hospital.
-Clostridium difficile – audit on hospital deaths in Weston General (Dec. 2006).
-Audit on colorectal cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis patients (June 2006), Cheltenham General Hospital.
-Heart failure – Managing patients as per evidence (March 2005).
-Anticoagulation in AF (May 2004) Practicing as per evidence?
-PEG or not to PEG (March 2004) The outcome of PEG tubes inserted over 2 years in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kings Lynn.
Service Development
Apart from setting up the department and endoscopy centre at Paras Hospital I was instrumental in developing advanced endoscopic services locally at Fortis Hospital, Amritsar. I have made efforts to take our endoscopy units to a different level by implementing certain aspects of the ‘Global Rating Scale’, and to further modernize our endoscopy unit.
I have also successfully set up a multidisciplinary forum within our hospital for discussions regarding our cancer patients. Although it is not always possible for all to attend such meetings regularly because of pressing commitments, I have taken responsibility of liaising with all, and making the results of discussions known.
Whilst working in Fortis, I successfully put forward a plan of a common Gastro sciences area in the Outpatients; thereby, making it convenient for the patients, and enabling us to arrive at quick decisions regarding their management. Our next plan is to have a Liver ICU, which shall also be managed jointly. This will be the first of its kind in the region.
I was successfully running rural outpatient clinics on monthly basis in various parts of the region with active support from my hospitals.
In the UK whilst working in Gloucestershire, I had been closely involved with “Global Rating Scale” locally, and actively involved in the endoscopy improvement project; I was responsible for preparing the local guidelines for:
I spearheaded a project looking into the patient satisfaction with a dietician led Coeliac Clinic in Cheltenham. Once diagnosed with a duodenal biopsy suggesting the diagnosis, the dietician sees the patient to advise further and for follow up thereafter. This project was to look into their satisfaction with the information and service provided and ultimately led to a formal clinic in the Trust led by the dietitian.
Management Experience
I was the founder Secretary of Amritsar Gastro sciences Forum, a body comprising of local Gastroenterologists and Surgical Gastroenterologists along with being co-founder and Treasurer of Gastrointestinal Rendezvous, an organization involved with academic activities as well as patient awareness and education. I was nominated on the Editorial Committee of Indian Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences, (IJMDS) an indexed journal.
I have been attached to several non-medical organizations doing socially productive work in Punjab, India, for a long time. Currently, I am the Managing Director, SGTB School and College of Education; Member, Punjab Backward Classes Development Board; and responsible for running the affairs Akal Trust and Harmohan Trust. Clubbing the medical and non medical organizations, I was able to do several awareness and socially productive activities including making of a couple of documentaries in local language, to create awareness amongst the general public regarding Liver diseases and Colon Cancer.
Presentations, Research and Publications
Changing healthcare for few - What about others? Jerath AM, Singh GP.Int J Med and Dent Sci 2015; 4(1):538-539.
Alarming rise in chronic liver disease and challenges ahead. Singh GP. Int J Med and Dent Sci 2014; 3(1):242-243
Anti tubercular treatment in Cirrhosis, Fortis International Liver Summit (March, 2012), Chandigarh, India
‘Patient discomfort during colonoscopy’ (Singh, G., Thomas,P.D.) at United European Gastroenterology Week, Vienna 2008
Audit on colorectal cancer surveillance in ulcerative colitis patients.
S Shetty, G Singh, I Shaw, J Brown
Presentations at Regional Meetings in UK
All that appears Crohn’s isn’t so (Singh G.P.,Shenoy A.H.,Valori R.M.)SWGS 2005
Vasculitis – a difficult diagnosis (Shenoy A.H., Singh G.P.)SWGS, 2005
Immunomodulators in IBD (12/07/05)
Screening for Colorectal Cancer (12/04/05)
Guidelines for Barrett’s Oesophagus (11/04/06)
Following were the ongoing research projects in Cheltenham General Hospital, UK, which I was involved with whilst working there:
1. Risedronate preventing bone loss in IBD during short courses of steroids.
This was a multicentre, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial to evaluate whether Risedronate 35 mgs. once weekly prevents bone loss following high dose steroid therapy for an acute exacerbation of IBD.
2. Prospective monitoring survey of AZA monotherapy cf AZA and 5ASA combination.
My involvement in the above projects was to identify suitable patients, and enroll them for study.
3. Colonoscopy Training and Feedback.
Speaker at various Medical Association meetings stressing upon the Management of Chronic Liver diseases in Punjab, including Indian Medical Association (Amritsar, Ferozepur, Taran Taran, Gurdaspur and Batala) and Amritsar Surgeon’s Society.
Courses and meetings
GI Rendezvous 2020 and 2019, March, 2020 and 2019 (convener)
General Medicine Symposium, RCP, Edinburgh and Max Healthcare, New Delhi
Basic Skills in ERCP Training Course, North Tees General Hospital, Stockton, UK – Overseas Faculty (July 2019)
FILD, (Faculty),12-13 January, 2019, Bangalore
Endoscopic Premier League (Faculty), September 2018, New Delhi
INASL Annual Meeting, September 2018, New Delhi
Frontiers in Liver Disease (Faculty), November 2017, Kocchi
GI Rendezvous, March, 2016 (convener)
Mumbai Live Endoscopy, January 2016
INASL/CPLD Annual meeting, New Delhi (August, 2015)
GI Rendezvous, March, 2015 (convener)
Annual Conference of Indian Association of Medical Journal Editors (IAMJE), New Delhi, Nov. 2013
Mumbai Live Endoscopy Conference, Sept. 2013
Fortis International Liver Summit (Faculty), Chandigarh, March 2012
UEGW (2008, 2009)
Colonoscopy Masterclass, March 2007
Acute Medicine Conference, May 2006
British Society of Gastroenterology (2006, 2007, 2008)
Basic Colonoscopy skills course, December 2005, Cheltenham General Hospital (JAG approved)
Basic Upper GI endoscopy course, June 2005, Gloucestershire Royal Hospital (JAG approved)
Practical Gastroenterology, April 2005, Oxford
Contribution towards Gastroenterology/Hepatology
The scenario in the regions I work is pretty different from my training ground, the United Kingdom. Here, majority of the secondary and tertiary care hospitals are under private sector, and hence, healthcare comes for a cost to the patients. This puts the onus on the ‘consumer’, and increases the responsibility of the masses towards prevention, and early diagnosis of the diseases. Having worked in a system where teamwork helped achieve more, I was instrumental in bringing together the Gastroenterology practitioners, both medical and surgical, in Amritsar on a common platform, and form Amritsar Gastrosciences Forum to promote research activities, make protocols, and standardize the treatments provided in the private healthcare system locally. This has become a discussion forum with regular meetings where challenging cases are discussed, and also academic lectures are organized periodically. I was the Secretary of this forum for almost 8 years, and responsible for its meetings and activities.
I spearheaded the inception and development of an organization, Gastrointestinal Rendezvous, now a registered body with an aim to promote academic activities and awareness programs in the region of Amritsar, Punjab. Our first ever one-day national level Conference was held on the 1st of March 2015, and was a resounding success with a potpourri of various Surgical and Medical Gastroenterology topics for medical and surgical practitioners. This was also the first meeting of its kind in the region.
Through this organization, for the first time ever in the region, we have commenced a strategic activity of regularly giving awareness lectures to Schools, Colleges, Universities and social Diaspora locally in order to educate the masses, and involve them in the interactive sessions, increasing their interest in knowing more about benign and malignant diseases of the Gastrointestinal tract. I am the key speaker and Treasurer of the society.
I am Member of Executive Committee and Editorial Committee of Indian Journal of Medical and Dental Sciences, which is an indexed journal. Apart from reviewing general articles for the Journal, I am actively highlighting the enormous volume of chronic liver disease, and its complications in my region in particular, and the world in general.
Other activities
Having realized my dream of becoming an accomplished Gastroenterologist in my region, I now intend to take the initiative of developing inexpensive, quality healthcare services available to all strata of society. Furthermore, my colleagues and me have started an endoscopy and ERCP training center, which would be highly beneficial for the humungous population, and shall be helpful in reducing the cost of the procedures as well as early diagnosis of cancers.
Given my experience and skills, I would like to work at places where I may be helpful, periodically, on mutually beneficial terms. I am keen to develop newer skills including Endoscopic Bariatric procedures and EUS.
Available at:
(with prior appointment please)