Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
What is Coeliac Disease
Although mentioned as a disease, it is more of an allergy and easily treated in most individuals who can effectively and surely take gluten out of their diet. Gluten sensitive gut of these patients is damaged and stops absorbing nutrients causing malabsorption. On gluten free diet the changes in the small bowel become normal. It can affect children as well as adults and can even present at a later stage with no symptoms earlier in life.
What are the symptoms of Coeliac Disease
There are a variety of vague symptoms to severe ones like malabsorption with tummy pain, diarrhoea, slow growth, weight loss and invisible symptoms like weak bones and low iron stores (anaemia).
How to test for it
There are specialised blood tests which if positive will need confirmation of the changes in the small bowel. This can be ascertained by taking a biopsy endoscopically (see upper gastrointestinal endoscopy). Once confirmed, the patient should be seen by a GI Specialist or a physician who routinely sees such patients for advice and discussion as a change in life style as well as a long term strategy needs proper discussion and follow up. A formal dietetics consult may also be necessary to understand the dietary changes. A follow up requires periodic specialised blood tests (yearly) as well as routine blood tests and a bone density scan.
How is Coeliac Disease treated
The treatment involves gluten free diet and rarely interventions by medications. If iron stores are low then iron replacement is necessary and sometimes vitamins also need replacing.
Are there any problems if Gluten Free Diet is not followed
Untreated Coeliac Disease can cause long term issues with several body systems and can even lead to serious medical issues which are avoidable if a strict diet is maintained and follow up is necessary to start with but later a GI specialist may only be seen if necessary.
What will be the life be like
Definite and long term changes in diet and even lifestyle make one feel it is difficult and even boring. However, the fact that Coeliac is not rare (in Punjab) and easily treated with dietary changes is an encouraging thing and with so many gluten free options one can easily enjoy the life as normal. It is worth mentioning that most health enthusiasts prefer gluten free diet for remaining healthy and vibrant.
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(with prior appointment please)