Hepatology Services

What is Hepatology?

digestive system

More recently in the advent of super specialization, the study of liver and other organs related to its function, has been developed into a further sub specialty of Gastroenterology for even a new super specialty known as Hepatology (Greek : Hepato = liver, logia = study) and this includes gall bladder, biliary tree and pancreas.

Many of the Gastroenterologists in Chandigarh are experienced and practice in both gastroenterology and Hepatology as their training exposes them to both specialties. The mainstay of management of liver diseases and their complications in the northern India is with general practitioners with regular inputs from specialists because of the volume as well as availability and wide ranging training available in General Medicine in the Indian scenario.

However, awareness regarding the prevention of liver diseases amongst masses remains a major challenge, particularly because of lack of a comprehensive approach towards this field as well as rampant alcohol intake which is fast becoming an acceptable way of life in these parts.

What are the causes of Liver Diseases?

Following are the major causes of liver diseases :

  • Alcohol :

    By far the most common reason for chronic liver disease or Cirrhosis in our region with almost 50% of the cases of Cirrhosis owing to regular or heavy alcohol intake.

  • Hepatitis A :

    Is an infection of the digestive tract and affects the liver. The virus is carried by unhygienic food and water and a problem for the developing world. It usually comes with mild symptoms and is self limiting but does carry a mortality of 1 in a 100. To protect from this a vaccine is available which can be used to gain immunity to this infection and is particularly recommended for elderly, diabetic patients, patients with chronic liver disease (cirrhosis) etc.

  • Hepatitis B:

    This deadly (highly communicable) virus can spread from blood and blood products, re-using needles, reusing razors and sharing tooth brushes, body fluids (semen), unsterilized medical equipment, etc. It tends to ‘live’ in the liver long term damaging its cells and ultimately developing into Cirrhosis with serious and life threatening complications. It is preventable as there is a vaccine which can protect us from this virus and this is also the highlight of World Hepatitis Day commemorated by the World Health Organisation to spread awareness and promote vaccination of individuals who have not had this.

    liver disease

  • Body mass index:

    BMI of over the normal limits or obesity can lead to inflammatory change in the liver cells and eventually cause damage leading to cirrhosis. This goes hand in hand with impaired glucose tolerance or a pre diabetic condition in such individuals. Lifestyle changes and being vigilant about one’s health can prevent this cause of chronic liver disease or cirrhosis.

  • Hepatitis C :

    This is another virus which spreads through blood and blood products like the Hepatitis B virus and damages the liver in a similar fashion. Although there is no vaccination for this virus there is definitive treatment which has evolved to be more effective and easy over the last decade.

  • Diabetes :

    Diabetes affects practically all organs of consequence in the body and it is as true for the liver. Even with no other risk factor long term diabetes alone can affect the liver to cause cirrhosis, and in certain cases where there is alcohol on board or any infection with viral hepatitis, the damage can be accelerated to a great extent.

  • Hepatitis D :

    This is a rare one and usually happens along with Hepatitis B.

  • Hepatitis E :

    This, like Hepatitis A, comes from unhygienic food and water and is self limiting although some data suggests that it can have a chronic phase. There is no vaccination for this virus and work is underway to develop one and get in the market as this virus has been particularly lethal in pregnant women.


Dr. Gurbilas P. Singh has been spearheading a movement to commemorate World Hepatitis Day every year to spread awareness through various platforms in this region and is and office bearer of GI Rendezvous and Gastroenterology & Liver Forum, Chandigarh.

He has an expertise in the field of Hepatology and treats liver diseases at his clinic, Jeevandeep Centre for Digestive Diseases,No. 88, Sector 16 A, Chandigarh.

He also provides clinical services at Sarvhit Gastrocity, Amritsar and Paras Hospital, Panchkula.

Available at:

(with prior appointment please)

Contact Us

Amritsar :
+91 -9779775535

Chandigarh :
+91 -9779775535

Jeevandeep Clinics

CDD (Centre for Digestive Diseases)
No. 88, Sector 16A, Chandigarh, (UT) India

Call: +91 - 9779775535

Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn, UK

Call : +91 -9779775535

Paras Hospital

Panchkula, Haryana, India

Call: 0172 5294444

Apollo Clinics

Sector 8, Chandigarh (UT), India

Call: 0172 4006061

Sodhi Charitable Ultrasound & Clinical Lab

Zirakpur Chandigarh Road, Near JP Hospital, Zirakpur.

Call: +91 9023666333